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The Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf (CCSD) is a registered non-profit charitable organization aiming to preserve, encourage and advance the arts and culture of Canada’s Deaf population. The DEAF CULTURE CENTRE, a project of CCSD at the Distillery Historic District, Toronto, promotes Visual Arts and Theatre Arts in sign language – a true expression from the heart of who we are. They feature works by Deaf artists in a cultural space that is a starting point to understanding Deaf Life and a social hub that introduces contributing members to the arts scene, to the Deaf community and to society at large.

Visitors to the Centre learn about:

  • Deaf leaders and Deaf people’s contributions to society throughout history
  • Deaf cultural values including the importance of signed languages and arts
  • A cross-cultural perspective between Deaf and hearing people
  • Deaf artists and eco-arts system

Educational team building, arts and group packages are designed to meet your objectives.

Workshops and trainings are provided by Deaf staff and assigned professionals using American Sign Language (ASL) or langue des signes québécoise (LSQ). Sign Language Interpreters can be provided for an additional fee for workshops requiring signed languages Interpreters.

We provide inspiring workshops that are both challenging and inspiring to promote team building. Purpose of the team building is to build synergy between everyone – youth, adults and the community as well as the companies, colleges/universities/schools and non-profit organizations; provide a platform to facilitate growth and capacity building for any organization including the ability to assess and resolve conflict constructively.

Fees are determined based on the objectives.

To book a workshop, training and/or to create a custom designed package, please contact Melissa Hope at

Payment will be made to the Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.

Synopsis on Deaf Artists, Deaf Culture & Team Building
Fee: $125.00 per hour

Synopsis on Sign Language Institute Canada (SLIC)
Speaker: Gary Malkowski, M.A., L.H.D, SLIC Director
Fee: $125.00 per hour

SLIC was established in 1981 by the late Carole Sue Bailey to develop the national certification process for Sign Language Instructors/Teachers. We are a growing organization. By supporting this, you can help us pursue this to a higher level of teaching signed languages. Currently SLIC is one of the important sectors of Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf and you are a vital part for the success of this program.

Gary will present on the important milestones for the SLIC programming. He will discuss the impact and development and how you can be part of it.

  • National certification for Sign Language Instructors and more e.g. American Sign Language (ASL)/ la langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) Coaches
  • Training and evaluation
  • Professional development opportunities for SLIC members
  • The expansion and enhancement of SLIC as a professional organization
  • The recognition of SLIC as the leading expert in teaching Sign Languages namely ASL & LSQ and signed languages of Canadian Deaf communities
  • Accreditation
  • Partnership opportunities


  • Fostering of quality of Sign Language instructors/teachers through:
    • Professional Development
    • SLIC Conferences
    • Training & Evaluation procedures
  • Education to the public to hire qualified ASL instructors/teachers
  • Access to a national network of leaders and mentors who strive to excel in higher standards for teaching sign language
  • Design and development of the SLIC certification process
  • Awarding of the SLIC certification
  • Social media network, information sharing

We also provide cross-cultural training that includes minority and majority identity developments and cross cultural issues between Deaf and hearing persons provided by Dr. Anita Small and Joanne Cripps. Please contact Melissa Hope at for more details.

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